Tips for high school students 2022 to get rid of anxiety and stress
Tips for high school students 2022 to get rid of anxiety and stress
Tips for high school students 2022 to get rid of anxiety and stress May 29,2022

7 tips for high school students 2022, the Egyptians’ fear of high school creates an atmosphere full of tension and anxiety for high school students and their families, so we have dedicated this article to talk about the most important tips for high school students 2022, to get rid of stress and anxiety, and prepare well for exams, as can be For high school students, contact psychiatrists on the Ask website through a question or consultation to learn about the best ways to get rid of stress and exam anxiety.

The most important tips for high school students 2022:

Lack of sleep:

A high school student, like everyone else, needs to sleep 8 hours a day, and lack of sleep before exams and studying for long hours without taking a break from time to time is one of the reasons why high school students get stressed and anxious.

Comparison with others:

One of the most important tips for high school students 2022 in particular and all students in general, is not to compare yourself with others, whether of the same age or from other ages, and to focus on achieving your goal and future dream, and you have to realize well that the success of others will not detract from your success. 

social media:

Social media plays a major role in spreading panic among high school students 2022 and their families, and therefore one of the best tips for high school students 2022 is to avoid following social media before and during exams, and focus on reviewing curricula and preparing for exams.

Stay away from negative people:

In the lives of all of us there are negative and pessimistic people, who do not stop raising anxiety and tension in their surroundings, and therefore one of the best tips for high school students 2022, is not to be with these people at the time of preparing for high school exams, so that we do not get nervous and panic.

Proper nutrition:

Students at such times need to follow a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals that help memorize, remember and focus, and do not cause students to be lazy and lethargic. Therefore, we advise mothers of high school students 2022, to enhance the presence of vegetables, fruits and dairy products in the diet of their children at the time of exams.

Parental support:

High school students need the support of their family at such a time to get rid of anxiety and tension, and therefore we advise parents to provide a calm atmosphere for their students, prepare them psychologically to enter exams, and not exercise any form of psychological pressure with them, because the pressure of parents on their children at these times brings results. Quite the opposite.

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